Carl Diehl
2011 (ongoing)
transmedia formations
Curious case-studies of one or several petrified giants, (de)ranged across image, text and sound. Myriad questions of valuation are pursued in the peripheries of prevailing histories.
Ostensibly, tobacconist George Hull would have wanted to remain hush about the exchange value of petrified giant men, preferring clandestine crankdom as his legacy. Guarded, to say the least, Hull was rarely found discussing any outré instantiations of his own disruptive innovation. Pressed, he revealed nothing of note on network realism or the ‘hotting up’ of hoax-craft in a manner Marshall Mcluhan might have relished years later. Needless to say, much remains to be discussed on these matters and advancement will continue unceasingly
2015 Salon Salon, Portland 'Pataphysical Society, Portland, OR
2014 #iottgbitn, Tritriangle Gallery, Chicago, IL
2011 Faculty Biennial, Pacific NW College of Art Portland, OR
2011 Precession of the Damned, September Journal, Time Based Art Festival, Portland, OR